Some people find writing easy. For everyone else, there's Celeste.

By asking you insightful questions, Celeste helps you expand your vague ideas into something you're proud of and ready to share.

Start writing today

How it works

Begin with a short thought or idea

Something as simple as “I want to write more than I do now” is all you need to get started.

Celeste thinks…then poses some questions

Just like a journalist interviewing you, Celeste will dig deeper into your intial thought and get you thinking.

Respond to the questions to expand your thoughts

In next to no time, you'll have a structure to turn your quick thought into a more complete article.

Publish when you're ready

A single click and your article is published and ready to be shared – or if you want to keep it private, that's fine, too.

You've started a great habit!

Next time you have an idea, tell Celeste and keep that amazing habit going.

Get started today

Celeste is completely free while we're getting started

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